Summer of Sketching Week 2: WHY
If you wish they were better at drawing but you don’t usually do anything about it, this project is for you.
I created the Summer of Sketching as a weekly kick in the butt to get outside and practice at least once per week.
Lettering by Keegan Sanford (@keegansanford) at the NYC meetup
Summer of Sketching started off this year with a BANG! Thanks so much for helping kick it off last week.
If you haven't done so yet, go check out the hashtag and you'll see so many cool pieces with even cooler stories behind them.
Photo by Jasper Juaniza (@raisedbywaves) at the NYC meetup
Here’s what happened in Week 1:
- I worked with my friend Enon from Dapper Notes to launch some new handmade sketchbooks and engraved pencils for sale
- SoS Meet ups went down in Minneapolis, Michigan and Melbourne!
- I also organized a meetup in NYC and accidentally scheduled it on the same evening as the LGBT Pride Parade. It was a fun day to say the least.
- Somi Choi (@somichoi) and Veronique Zayas (@hatchmarkstudio) made this awesome chalkboard time-lapse!
- I was on a new episode of the Drunk on Lettering podcast with my friends Roxy Prima (@roxyprima) and Phoebe Cornog (@phoooobers). We talked about future plans for Summer of Sketching and I also gave the worst California surfer impression.
- Last week's prompt was "YOU". I asked you to introduced yourself in a creative way. Here are a few that stood out:
This week’s prompt: WHY
Especially when you’re making creative work, it's easy to get caught up with WHAT your doing or HOW you’re doing it. We lose sight of the most important part: WHY are you doing it in the first place?
"Those who forget WHY they started
show up to the race every day
to outdo someone else
instead of to outdo themselves."
— Simon Sinek
Take some time this week to think about WHY you started creating and why you're still doing it. Make a sketch inspired by your reasons.
Post your sketches to Instagram with #summerofsketching to participate and enter the end-of-summer giveaway.
Tip of the week:
Compare your work to your own past work instead of others'.
If finding your WHY sounds too serious or if you already covered this in last week's sketch, just sketch something you're curious about.
Examples: Why do cats purr? Why do toilets flush backwards in the southern hemisphere? Why can't I find any clean socks?
There's no wrong way to do this, so have fun!
Calligraphy by my good friend Winston Scully (@wscully)
This Sunday July 2nd - San Francisco Meetup
I’m heading out to San Francisco tomorrow for a 2-day live lettering project for Mozilla, the makers of Firefox. The event is all about Internet rights, so they asked me to come out and draw internet phrases on canvas tote bags for the attendees. Should be a fun one :)
While I'm in SF, I'm organizing a last minute sketching meetup for this Sunday, July 2nd at Dolores Park from 2-4pm. If you’re in the San Francisco area, come sketch with us! You can RSVP here.