Summer of Sketching Week 1 - WHY

12 weeks of sketching outdoors. Let's get this thing started.

Week 1 Prompt: YOU

With the first week sketching as a community, I thought it would be good for us to get to know each other. So for this first week, I want you to sketch something about YOU.

What makes you unique?

This could be as simple as drawing your name and writing a caption about yourself. Or you can go all out and illustrate stuff that makes you different. Or both!

Tip of the week: "K.I.S.S. - Keep it simple, stupid"


Dapper Notes Collaboration

I'm excited to announce some brand new products available at!


Take a little time to draw for fun today, even if it's just for a few minutes on your lunch break. Technically it's the longest day of the year after all so you shouldn't have an excuse

Oh, and don't forget to post your sketches on Instagram with #summerofsketching!


Summer of Sketching Week 2: WHY


Warming up for Summer of Sketching